Wiśniewski Damian

czwartek 10.40-11.25;
piątek 11.30-12.15
- "Boundary value problems for a second-order elliptic equation in unbounded domains", Ann.Univ.Paedag.Cracov.Studia Math., IX (2010), 87-122;
- "Boundary value problems for quasi-linear elliptic second order equations in unbounded cone-like domains", Cent.Eur.J.Math., 10(6), 2051-2071 (2012) (wspólnie z: M.Borsuk)
- "An integro - differential inequality related to the smallest positive eigenvalue of p(x)-Laplacian Dirichlet problem", Ann.Univ.Paedag. Cracov.Studia Math. (2016)
- "The behaviour of weak solutions of boundary value problems for linear elliptic second order equations in unbounded cone-like domains", Annales Mathematicae Silesianae (2016)
- "Best possible estimates of weak solutions of boundary value problems for quasi-linear elliptic divergence equations in unbounded domains", An. St. Math. Series, tom 25(2), strony 201-224, 2017
- "Around harmonic numbers and harmonic series", Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia (2016)
- "Metoda Frobeniusa, czyli o rozwiązywaniu pewnej klasy równań różniczkowych" w Ann. Univ. Paedag. Cracov. Studia ad Didacticam Math. Pertinentia (wspólnie z Krzysztofem Żyjewskim) (2016)
1. "Relation between DAX futures prices and the DAX index in the Engle - Granger approach", Current Research in Mathematical and Computer Sciences IV
2. "Using the SARIMA model to forecast gross value added in water supply, wastewater and waste management, and remediation activities", Current Research in Mathematical and Computer Sciences IV
3. "The Dirichlet problem in an unbounded cone-like domain for second order elliptic quasilinear equations with variable nonlinearity exponent", Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (wspólnie z M.Borsuk)
4. "Variability in times of disease. Application of ARMA-GARCH in modelling and predicting volatility of S&P 500 Index return rates in times of COVID-19", Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne, European Mathematical Society
Wspaniałą nagrodą jest możliwość przeżycia ze studentami matematycznej przygody.
Tytuł najlepszego Belfra Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki 2016.
Laureat plebiscytu "Belfer UWM" na najlepszego nauczyciela akademickiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko - Mazurskiego w 2016 i 2018 roku.